ByAaron Styles

Jun 2, 2014

June is going to be a very symbolic and trying time for me personally. I am close to losing someone who has meant more to me than I do. A man who has guided me, taught me and instilled a sense of fair play and reason into my very cynical nature and did it for no other reason than to teach.

Throughout the years, he has answered almost every question I asked with a simple one-word question in return “Why?”- it followed generally with a well put “Really?” or “Don’t be so daft, figure it out.” This has taught me many things and the most valuable of them being, nothing is as it appears and it’s my responsibility to find the truth in it and not simply accept the status quo or the loudest opinion.

Last week we ran an article of the nasty Monsanto people. I liked the bravado of the story. I agreed with the majority of its content and still to this moment feel it was a well-written piece that pointed out the perils of all things GMO. Well, it appears that there is another side to that story. So in keeping with my promise to remain middle ground and to follow some sound advice from Ken, I decided we would look a little further and see what we can shake out of the trees.

So starting next week we are going to present, in video format, a series of interviews between Dr. Patrick Moore (co-founder of Greenpeace) and our very own Justin Gammill. (A whole “he made his bed” thing comes to mind.) These interviews will outline Dr. Moore’s opinions on Nuclear power, GMO, Monsanto and some GMO rice products for the needy and the area that he considers to be the biggest environmental problem facing the world today: poverty.

So before we set off a firestorm from the anti-Monsanto factions, the anti-nuclear groups and the right wing conservatives, let’s all remember one thing: there are always two sides to any argument and unless we are exposed to both, how can we ever really know the truth? So, we have published some articles from the left and now I hand the microphone to the middle. Feel free to voice your opinions. But in what I truly hope will not be Ken’s immortal word … asking “Why?” will help you more than any other statement. Remember, when you listen to someone else speak you may learn something, when you do all the talking you’ve already stopped learning. We will run these pieces with an open mind. Let’s see how many of you receive them in the same light, Justin, let the debate begin.

By Aaron Styles

A provocateur, and writer for more than 25 years, Aaron has simplified and humanized the complicated areas of politics, the environment and human interest issues. Skeptical by nature and anonymous by requirement, Aaron enjoys nothing more than getting the conversation started.